I am currently a Chancellor’s Fellow in the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh. Previously, I was a postdoc in the Mathematical Institute at the University of Oxford as part of the CIMDA-Oxford collaboration with Harald Oberhauser and a postdoc in the Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience at EPFL with Kathryn Hess. I received my PhD in Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (AMCS) in 2021 at the University of Pennsylvania working under Rob Ghrist. Before that, I received my Bachelor of Applied Sciences at the University of British Columbia in 2016, where I majored in Engineering Physics with an Electrical Engineering specialization and minored in Mathematics.
I received a Fulbright Canada student award for 2016-2017 and a NSERC PGS-D scholarship for 2018-2021.
My CV is here.
I am interested in developing mathematics at the interface of topology, geometry, and analysis in order to build novel tools to study functional data. Currently, most of my work revolves around applications and generalizations of the path signature from a topological and geometric point of view.
For 2024-2025, Djordje Mihajlovic, Siddharth Setlur, Sjoerd Beentjes, Emily Roff and I are organizing the Applied Geometry, Algebra, and Topology in Edinburgh (AGATE) seminar.
With Gonçalo dos Reis and Yue Wu, I am co-organizing the ICMS Workshop Signatures and Rough Paths: From Stochastics, Geometry and Algebra to Machine Learning from May 19-23, 2025. Public applications are open until April 4, 2025!
- Communities in the Kuramoto model: dynamics and detection via path signatures, T. J. Nguyên, D. Lee, B. J. Stolz
(preprint) (2025)
- The surface signature and rough surfaces, D. Lee
(preprint) (2024)
- Random surfaces and higher algebra, D. Lee and H. Oberhauser
(preprint) (2023)
- The signature kernel, D. Lee and H. Oberhauser
(preprint of book chapter) (2023)
- Path signatures on Lie groups, D. Lee and R. Ghrist
(preprint) (2020)
- A methodology for morphological feature extraction and unsupervised cell classification. D. Bhaskar, D. Lee, H. Knútsdóttir, C. Tan, M. Zhang, P. Dean, C. Roskelley, and L. Edelstein- Keshet
(preprint) (2019)
Journal / Conference Publications
* equal contribution
- Ergodic trajectory optimization on generalized domains using maximum mean discrepancy, C. Hughes, H. Warren, D. Lee, F. Ramos, I. Abraham
accepted to IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) (2025)
- Towards scalable topological regularizers, H.-T. Wong*, D. Lee*, H. Yan
accepted to International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR) (2025)
- Generalized time series classification via component decomposition and alignment, Y. Cheng, D. Lee, H. Oberhauser, H. Li
IEEE Transactions on Big Data. (2025)
- A topological approach to mapping space signatures, C. Giusti, D. Lee, V. Nanda, and H. Oberhauser
Advances in Applied Mathematics. (2025) [arXiv]
- Stein variational ergodic search, D. Lee, C. Lerch, F. Ramos, I. Abraham
Robotics: Science and Systems (2024)
- Signatures, Lipschitz-free spaces, and paths of persistence diagrams, C. Giusti and D. Lee
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry. (2023) [arXiv]
- Signature methods for brain-computer interfaces, X. Xu, D. Lee, N. Drougard, and R. N. Roy
Scientific Reports. (2023)
- Convex hulls of curves: volumes and signatures, C. Améndola, D. Lee, and C. Meroni
In: Nielsen, F., Barbaresco, F. (eds) Geometric Science of Information. GSI 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 14071. Springer, Cham. (2023) [arXiv]
- Capturing graphs with hypoelliptic diffusions, C. Toth*, D. Lee*, C. Hacker, and H. Oberhauser
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS) (2022) [arXiv]
- Iterated integrals and population time series analysis, C. Giusti and D. Lee
In Nils A. Baas, Gunnar E. Carlsson, Gereon Quick, Markus Szymik, and Marius Thaule, editors, Topological Data Analysis, Abel Symposia, pages 219–246 (2020) [arXiv]
- Structure of vortex-bound states in spin singlet chiral superconductors, D. Lee and A. Schnyder
Physical Review B. 93: 064522 (2016) [arXiv]
- Localization for transversally periodic random potentials on binary trees, R. Froese, D. Lee, C. Sadel, W. Spitzer, and G. Stolz
Journal of Spectral Theory. 6: 557-600 (2016) [arXiv]
- Fall 2021 TA for MATH 220: Metric and Topological Spaces
University of Pennsylvania
- August 2020 Co-Instructor for Pre-Freshman Program
- Spring 2018 TA for MATH 241: Calculus IV (Partial Differential Equations)
- Fall 2017 TA for MATH 360: Advanced Calculus (Real Analysis)
Math Department Good Teaching Award